
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tying Up Loose Ends

I always find the end of the calendar year, even amongst the hectic holiday activities, a good time for reflection, contemplation, and assessment. Certainly 2009 has left me with quite a bit to reflect on and assess!

A son getting established, a daughter looking ahead to graduation, travel from coast to coast, aging parents, a roller-coaster love life, celebrating a new political landscape, and juggling two jobs, all have comprised what seemed like a year of multiple fronts. To be sure, it has been mostly exhausting and occasionally exhilarating.

All things considered, I can say it's been a pretty remarkable year, in that I still have my house, my health, my friends, and my bliss - cross stitching - which, through trial and trouble, has always managed to keep me sane.

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  1. your finish looks wonderful!

    I hope you have a blessed 2010.

  2. You've summed up your year so nicely. Well said.

    Love your finish!

  3. Your finished piece is beautiful! I know you are proud of it. I wonder where this year went! Time sure does fly.

  4. Absolutely beautiful Pam! LOVE this pattern.


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