When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." ~ Erma Bombeck
A New Design is Finished!!
I still need to frame her! and Giver Her A NAME
I stitched her on 18ct Aida...I think it is my new go to for fabric at the
I might try the 20ct ...
The Planchettes
[image: Two cross-stitch designs depicting planchettes - one featuring a
death's head moth and one featuring two keys and a keyhole]On this
deliciously glo...
Wednesday Goings-On
Happy Hump Day, Everyone 😀😀😀 How's your week going?
I've been a busy beaver for sure!
Did you know it's national dog week? Apparen...
May and onward to June 2024….
~ warm welcome to all of you ~
As usual for me…
I’ve been busy! One thing I have incorporated into my life is:
Rest. My husband and I had our deck redone f...
Episode 131
*Stitching WIPs*
- Elizabeth Furniss 1836 by Hands Across the Sea Samplers - 40 ct.
Vintage Sand Dune by Lakeside Linens and AVAS Soie d’Alger sil...
Summer Needlework Tour = Day 5 (Final Day)
On our 5th day, we were heading home, but made a stop at 3 Kittens
Needlework in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. What a wonderful shop! I think
it was my...
Wish You Were Here Year end wrap up
Here is how it looks now:Here’s how it looked at the first of the year:I
was able to get a page finish on this so that makes me happy. Next year? No
Well, hellooooo
I can not believe it's been 2 months since I posted. Time flies. This year
has flown by so quickly.
I started a new job at the beginning of November. I hav...
March/April St. Pat's Candy Box and PS card
On to March-April.
I've always liked this Bent Creek Snap Happy St. Pat's design. I have a
friend who is a 'clover whisperer'. I've never seen someone ...
Margaret Sherry faleceu
To our loved Margaret Sherry wherever you are THANKS A LOT for all your
designs on which you put a lot of passion and love and make us happy 💕 we
will al...
Making Ends Meet
It's another rainy day in Georgia and onward for a couple hours of crochet
in the morning. Lots of ends in using alot of colors but it's coming along.
Finally a finish!
It took close to two months to finish this but it is finished. Between
problems with my eyes and the headaches this small piece took a while. I'm
hoping C...
It's been a few months since I've posted...just wanted to pop in and say
hi...I will post pictures of finishes and wips soon....Life has just been
way to b...
Winter Festivities in Full Swing
The excitement of the holidays has bitten me. I am like a little kid this
time of year. I love to hunker down under my favorite quilt and stitch the
Just found this A B C blog!
I love looking at all of the different ideas that other's use on the same
Prairie Schooler patterns!
I will try to upload my pr...
October things.....
When I looked at the date of my last post my first reaction was, "really?"
Three months came and went pretty quick.
All of the newest releases are on my...
9 years ago
"The only place where housework comes before needlework is in the dictionary." - Mary Kurtz, "The Needlework Times"